Microneedling Information

Microneedling on Acne Scars: A Promising Solution for a Common Problem

Microneedling on Acne Scars

Get rid of acne scars – without covering them up! Cosmetics are expensive and are not always the most effective way to remove acne scars. Microneedling on acne scars is a treatment that has shown it can reduce the appearance of acne scars and boost the health of your skin.

If you are suffering from acne and now looking for all the possible treatments there are to reduce acne scarring, then you are not alone. According to a study, about 9.4% of the world’s population is affected by acne. This makes it the eighth most widespread disease in the world.

Acne does not just affect the appearance of your skin but is also a blow to your confidence. What’s worse is that in various cases, acne scarring occurs which can stay for months or in some cases for years.

You may have been introduced to many over-the-counter creams or different treatment strategies to reduce the scars but if you are looking for the most effective solution, microneedling might be the best there is. 

Microneedling on acne scars or microneedling for acne is becoming the new norm and is prevailing as an effective as well as the safest treatment option. Before getting into its details, let’s see what is acne and acne scars.

Acne and Acne Scars?

Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become blocked with excess sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria. They often form spots, pimples, or in worst cases, cysts. Acne is usually associated with hormonal changes during puberty but it can also occur at any age.

Acne scars usually occur due to cystic acne or from picking at your skin when you have acne. These cause an inflammation of the acne pimples or blemishes which can go deeper into the skin and cause scarring.

Acne scars can be atrophic (depressed) i.e. in the form of indents or depressions in the skin or can be hypertrophic (raised) i.e. raised lesions on the skin caused due to excessive production of collagen in the region. 

Microneedling on Acne Scars?

Microneedling is a minimally-invasive and effective treatment technique used nowadays to treat different acne scars. In this procedure, the skin is punctured with fine microneedles to create microinjuries on the surface of the skin. This causes a healing response from the skin and several growth factors like collagen and elastin are sent to the site of the injury.

Collagen and elastin not only help heal the skin but makes it smoother and youthful, giving off a natural glow. In the case of post-acne scarring, it helps in ‘filling’ up the spaces and evens out the skin, improving the overall appearance of the skin.

In addition to reducing acne scars, microneedling also helps to improve:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Sunspots and dark spots
  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Sagging skin
  • Hair loss
  • Acne

How Microneedling on Acne Scars is done?

Microneedling on acne scars is done with the help of a microneedling tool. This is a hand-held microneedling device where fine needles. These devices are usually pressed or rolled on the affected region during the procedure.

Here are the steps to be followed during microneedling on acne scars:

  1. Clean your skin thoroughly but gently before the treatment.
  2. Apply a topical anesthetic cream and leave it for 40-60 minutes to avoid any discomfort during the procedure.
  3. Remove the cream and gently clean the skin.
  4. Apply a serum (like hyaluronic acid) and roll over the derma roller on the skin by applying minimal pressure. The purpose of the serum is to avoid the dragging of the skin by the roller.
  5. The roller should be rolled in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal directions to cover the maximum area.
  6. After the treatment, clean the skin with saline solution.
  7. Repeat the procedure for every session.

To help with the redness or erythema after the treatment, you can use a good-quality moisturizing serum. Also, avoid excessive exposure to sunlight and alcohol-based skin care products to reduce irritation and itchiness.

Note that microneedling works best for depressed post-acne scarring as compared to raised post-acne scarring where the scars already contain excessive collagen.

What Is The Best Needle Size for Microneedling on Acne Scars?

Although needle length for microneedling on acne scars depends upon the severity of the acne condition, generally, a needle length between 0.75mm-1.5mm is suggested.

If you are performing an in-office treatment procedure, for less indented acne scars, a needle length of 1mm is used. If the scars are deeper, dermatologists often go for a needle length of 1.5mm which is safer to use at the clinic.

In case you are opting for treatment in the comfort of your home, a needle length of 1mm would be the best option. For an at-home procedure, 1mm is the safer and more effective length to use. Needles of more than 1mm in length should only be used by specialists at a clinic.

What Should You Expect After Microneedling on Acne Scars?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure and has shown great results with minimal downtime. While there are no serious side effects of microneedling on acne, here are some conditions you can face immediately after the treatment;

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Irritation
  • Dryness
  • Itchiness

These conditions are normal after the procedure and should be gone after 24 or 72 hours maximum. Some people resume their daily activities after a day. To minimize these symptoms, avoid using heavy make-up, and alcohol-based products, and drink as much water as you can to help reduce dryness.

In case you come across heavy bleeding, severe inflammation, or infection, immediately visit your doctor/dermatologist for treatment.

Before and After Microneedling on Acne Scars

As discussed above, microneedling offers long-lasting efficacy in treating acne scars with optimum safety. A study was performed to observe its functionality and safety in case of atrophic scars. A clear difference was observed in the patients before and after the treatment. 

Before the treatment, patients had post-acne scarring with clear indentions in the skin. The skin looked uneven and wavy in appearance. Marks left by acne were excessively visible and covered most parts of the face. 

After the treatment, a clear improvement was observed. The skin looked smoother with reduced scars. Skin texture was significantly improved and patients were satisfied with the clinical results of the treatment. These differences were observed within one month of the treatment and were enhanced after three months.

Before Treatment                  

Acne Scarring

After one month After three months

Before and After Microneedling for Acne Scars

This image is an example of what you can expect, if you would like to see some results from a research study please see: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4509584/ 

Does Microneedling for Acne Also Help?

Along with helping to reduce post-acne scarring, microneedling for acne can also be a treatment option to reduce acne. After microneedling for acne is done, it reduces the production of excess sebum which in turn prevents the blockage of hair follicles.

It ultimately reduces the formation of pimples and cystic acne on your skin as well as blackheads and whiteheads which is also a form of acne. 

Who Should Avoid Microneedling on Acne Scars?

While microneedling is a safe treatment to be used to reduce post-acne scarring, there are still some limitations to its use. You should avoid the treatment in case you are;

  • Having a fresh breakout of acne
  • Pregnant
  • Having a severe skin infection
  • Having open wounds
  • Psoriasis or eczema

If you are having any of the above conditions, consulting with your dermatologist is the best option before going straight into the procedure.


Post-acne scarring is as frustrating as acne itself. Microneedling is proving itself to be an innovative treatment option to improve skin texture by reducing post-acne scarring as well as by improving the overall look of the skin. It does so by stimulating the natural healing process of the body hence proving its safety and efficacy.

If you are looking for a promising and safer cosmetic treatment, microneedling on acne scars might just be the best choice for you!